Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Whoo Hoo! I found a Computer to use (and abuse)!

Okay, I had to trudge myself over to the library just to do this so I don't have much time to edit and censor and all that jazz, so here goes.
These last two shows, for me personally, were great! I know you guys go on and on about how great the first show was, and I think you all did a superb job...but it was almost a complete failure for me. I went home and cried! Ok, I'm lying, but I was really depressed. I can't even bring myself to watch the dvd.
Then Jason accused me of not caring (WTF! Grrrrrrrrrr!), and, I don't know, it clicked something in me, and forced me to have some serious conversations with myself.
I made a personal breakthrough. My goal each show is to go ballsout and have some damn fun. I don't care if it's perfect or funny or good. What I care about is am I making myself a part of this team or cheating everybody by holding back. Improv is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life only because it calls for me to be myself and trust other people. Trust, people, is not a luxury I can readily afford! However, since I am a spiritual person, that whole zen thing being essential for improv makes a hella lotta sense. I'm looking forward to exploring the possibilities of that vein.
I think I have a ways to go to be completely comfy on stage, but I feel hella better than I did the first time. As a result, I'm not about to rag on the show. I've seen stuff hella worse than what we've done, and I'm proud of what we accomplish. I'm glad I get to play with you all, and in the progress, gain some well needed therapy.
Peace & cheese.

1 comment:

Jim E said...

You make some really strong points Lori, and I'm gonna try and make 'em part of my way of looking at Improv. Our last show (for some stupid reason) I started questioning if my 185's were funny enough and my ww's were good enough before going forward. SCREW THAT !!!! I'm goin' next time just like I've done in the other shows and if people like them "great" and if not "great". After talking to J.B., I've decided that the worst failure, is the lack of attempt and (for me) that's just not acceptable. So whether I choke or I smoke, I'm goin' out there and doin' it the best I can!!! I look forward to where that will take things. See ya Saturday ... Jim