Friday, August 29, 2008

August 30th Show

Just letting everyone know I am bringing a nice, round dozen audience members to the show on Saturday. Beat that.

Also, they will be there for a bachelor party. Just warning you is all. Jim, you might get some dollar bills shoved into your pants.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This Sunday in the park

Well friends I still have not been able to pass my stone. To insure that a mishap does not mar the park show would anyone like to take this show in my place?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Experiences With Comedy

Upbringing, Formative Experience, and Their Effect in Improv Comedy By Brian Melamed
This paper raised a few interesting questions.
1) How does the upbringing and formative experience of comedy inform the aspirations and motivations of improv comedians?
2) To what extent do similar past experiences in comedy affect interpersonal relationships in improv comedy groups?
Anyone care to answer?

Six Ring Circus

Congrats to Mahmoud and Jeff for making it into Six Ring Circus last night.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Will Draw Anything for $2

Check out this website:

This guy will draw just about anything you want for, that is right, $2. Some are twisted, some are strange, some are probably inside jokes for the requestors. I am tempted to throw this guy some World's Worsts to see what he draws...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yard Game Olympics

August 23rd, my wife and I are throwing a party. It is a party based on our love for Yard Games. Because it is the Olympic season, we are throwing a Yard Game Olympics party. Four events- croquet, bocce ball, bean bag toss, and monkey balls- in a single-elimination tournament to crown the Gold Medalists. If you are interested in joining in the fun, let me know- Emily has already expressed interest; she needs a partner. Anyone want to step up and help her out?

Along with gold, silver, and bronze medals for the events, we'll be handing out a medal for the Best Dressed Team, and the coveted DWS medal (which, quite eloquently, stands for the Didn't Win Shit Medal.) We will be providing hot dogs and buns- bring your own condiments and drinks. Afterwards we'll be doing a bonfire with a game of kick ball for fun. There is a pool, hot tub, and trampoline for additional fun.

That's all. Yay. Come if you want, just ask for directions. And if you do want to go, let me know ASAP: we only have 4 slots left in the tournament brackets.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Book Stuff

Rereading Truth in Comedy I came across this tidbit. It is not earth-shattering - we all heard it before. I know it is just a good reminder for me.

"Support and trust go hand-in-hand for perfomers; they must trust that their fellow players will support them. The only star in improv is the ensemble itself; if everyone is doing his job well, then no one should stand out. The best way for an improviser to look good is by making his fellow players look good.
When performers truly commit to a scene, they take care of each other. Whenever someone makes what appears to be a mistake on stage, the others immediately justify it and weave it into the pattern of the entire work. More often than not, those "mistakes" become valuable contributions to the piece. The entire ensemble winds up looking brilliant because...they acknowledge mistakes and incorporate them into the large work to add extra texture and depth."

Need a citation? Chapter 3, punks! Read it!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Check this out!