Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yard Game Olympics

August 23rd, my wife and I are throwing a party. It is a party based on our love for Yard Games. Because it is the Olympic season, we are throwing a Yard Game Olympics party. Four events- croquet, bocce ball, bean bag toss, and monkey balls- in a single-elimination tournament to crown the Gold Medalists. If you are interested in joining in the fun, let me know- Emily has already expressed interest; she needs a partner. Anyone want to step up and help her out?

Along with gold, silver, and bronze medals for the events, we'll be handing out a medal for the Best Dressed Team, and the coveted DWS medal (which, quite eloquently, stands for the Didn't Win Shit Medal.) We will be providing hot dogs and buns- bring your own condiments and drinks. Afterwards we'll be doing a bonfire with a game of kick ball for fun. There is a pool, hot tub, and trampoline for additional fun.

That's all. Yay. Come if you want, just ask for directions. And if you do want to go, let me know ASAP: we only have 4 slots left in the tournament brackets.


1 comment:

Em said...

Hey! If someone wants to be my partner I need to know soon so that we can coordinate our team outfits. If you are considering this opportunity you must know that I expect nothing but the best. I will stop at nothing to get the gold. Adam- if I don't have a partner, you'll find me in the hot tub double fisting soggy hotdogs from the grill.
oh wait, a coworker just said she would be my partner. See you punks at the games.