Sunday, September 28, 2008

Goony Oath

I found my old Goony book while I was in Iowa! We should probably add the book to the reading list. I was also thinking the Goony Oath should be our motto for the next six months.

I will never betray my Goon Dock friends.
We will stick together until the whole world ends.
Through heaven and hell, and nuclear war,
good pals like us will stick like tar.
In the city, or the country, or the forest, or boonies,
I am proudly declared one of the goonies!


Wooly House said...

I thought the Goonies' oath was either: "Goonies never say die" or; "Hey you guyyyyyyyyysssssss!"

larry bzzzz said...

I thought the Goonies oath was, "There's 2 hours I'll never get back"

Jim E said...

Amen Brother Bieza, Amen

Em said...

The book is better guys! Much more detail than the movie. I think it was even featured on Reading Rainbow once!!

vic0001 said...

Are there any coloring pages? I promise I can stay with in the lines.

Wooly House said...

I refuse to believe that "the book is better than the movie." Unless the book can somehow provide a Cyndi-Lauper soundtrack while reading it, it is NOT better.

And how does one even come close to describing via the written word the pure cinematic beauty of one "Truffle Shuffle?"

Em said...

I guess you'll have to see it to believe it. I think this calls for story time at rehearsal.I'll bring my ghetto blaster so I can play Cyndi Lauper in the background.
FYI-there is a nice picture of the truffle shuffle...

Unknown said...

Best... Interrogation Scene... Ever...

Good enough (good enough) for you, it's good enough (good enough) for me, it's good enough... it's good enough for me, oh yeah yeah yeah!