Sunday, October 12, 2008


Congratulations fellow Outtakes on a job very well done. Hats off to all for connecting with each other stronger than ever before. You have no idea how much I wish I could have been a part of that show. Perhaps another time. "Best show ever", is very high praise from Director Bindas, but I believe it is well deserved. Now go forth and be proud !!!!!


Anonymous said...

Don't short yourself on the tech controls, Jim. It made all the difference.

Great show, everyone. Very fun to watch pirates, carnies and a black hole share the stage.

JKB said...

Great show gang. Hold your heads high. Lets keep this momentum going. Things are starting to payoff.

larry bzzzz said...

Well done everyone!

I propose we repeat the same show exactly. I've got it all written down from memory. But we need some audience plants for suggestions......

Em said...

There's plenty more where that show came from! Great show! Great group!

Jim E said...

Thanks for the props P.B., you're very kind. It was a fun one to watch.