Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A VERY funny TV show

There's a show on CBS entitled "Worst Week" and it's okay, but it's based on a BBC series which is HILARIOUS!!! If you have high speed internet, check it out. http://tvshack.net/tv_shows/The_Worst_Week_of_My_Life__UK_/season_1/


Wooly House said...

Not everything the British did first is better than America's version. Take the colonies. They used to suck. Then America came along, re-developed and re-cast them, made a few creative changes to the flag and political landscapes, and boom! Biggest industrial powerhouse the world has ever known! Also, I like our version of "The Office" better. U-S-A! U-S-A!

larry bzzzz said...

You sir, are a cad! Take that!(Slapping face with glove). I shall now flee back to lovely Britain before you decide to hit me. UK! UK!

Wooly House said...

Touche`, Larry.