Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years, Take-Meisters!!

Hope you all stay safe and relatively in control this evening. I'll be working late , prepping books t sell so we can buys books for the children at the Library. For the children.
Over/Under on who's gonna puke first tonight?

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm back and stuff


I am back. In case anyone is wondering where I am "back" from . . . no where, really. This last show-weekend I was in Iowa for a funeral, and then got snowed in down there until Sunday morning around 11am. Definetly not as fun as watching ya'll perform, but I made do (ie. drinking with my family around the hotel pool.)

And more importantly than white-out road conditions and dead great-grandmothers (well, not MORE important, but more relevant I guess, since she's dead and all) I have a job. A good job. A 9-5 Monday-Friday job. So no more weekend work. No more wondering if I can afford to pay Jason his $10/week stipend for passing knowledge unto me. And no more not coming to practice because I'm selling portraits to church goers at inflated prices. Whoo hoo!

So Merry Christmas to you all (and a somber Ramadan to John) and whomever is not gone I'll see this Saturday at 10am.

Thank you, and good night.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Island of Misfit Toys...

So Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was just on, and I was reminded that when I was a little kid, that Abominable Snow Monster of the North was one terrifying Bumble. Seriously, with the teeth and the King Kong-esque sound effects, the shift was scary. And it didn't help that the Burl Ives voiced snow dude would get freaked out too. Thankfully this time I was able to make it through without hiding under a couch pillow... for the most part.

But then I remembered the conversation I had with Jason, and later Larry, about Cloverfield. That movie freaked me out primarily because I thought I was going to puke because of the jerky camera (Of course Jason took the opportunity to point he watched it on a 50 inch screen TV and was just fine. I think that was just an excuse for him to tell me that he [presumably] has a 50 inch screen TV).

Of course that Cloverfield monster was one seriously huge frickin' Bumble. Holy crap! So I didn't cover my eyes on this one (again, for the most part). BUT, as much as I loved Godzilla movies growing up, this movie made it abundantly clear just how much a giant monster attack would REALLY suck. Yup', the shit would be uncool.

So here's my question all of you, what films/TV shows from today, or from your youth, or from any time for that matter, really freaked you out and/or made you a little nauseous?


Oh, and let's try and keep this as frivolous as possible okay?

And whatever you do, don't start exchanging e-mails on this!