Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm back and stuff


I am back. In case anyone is wondering where I am "back" from . . . no where, really. This last show-weekend I was in Iowa for a funeral, and then got snowed in down there until Sunday morning around 11am. Definetly not as fun as watching ya'll perform, but I made do (ie. drinking with my family around the hotel pool.)

And more importantly than white-out road conditions and dead great-grandmothers (well, not MORE important, but more relevant I guess, since she's dead and all) I have a job. A good job. A 9-5 Monday-Friday job. So no more weekend work. No more wondering if I can afford to pay Jason his $10/week stipend for passing knowledge unto me. And no more not coming to practice because I'm selling portraits to church goers at inflated prices. Whoo hoo!

So Merry Christmas to you all (and a somber Ramadan to John) and whomever is not gone I'll see this Saturday at 10am.

Thank you, and good night.



Em said...

Happy Holidays! Cheeeeeers! I hope the new year is full of rolling melons and Goonie devotion.
John-I'm still looking for the pickled herring. I had a fish pass away today. Should I pickle it? You decide. Let me know in 2009.

vic0001 said...

I for one am comforted by your return.

JohnsKatsRool said...

Hey Em- you can put the dead fish in some pickle juice. In the right mood, with enough of a dare, I'll probably eat it.
Adam, glad you are back safe, and thank you for the holiday blessing-
وعيد ميلاد سعيدا لكم ، أكل الخراء كافر right back at you!