Sunday, September 21, 2008

Welcome to Purgatory

Hi to all the new troupe members. I like to think of the Outtakes as the place between heaven(Main Troupe) and Hell (working at the post office). So now you got a ticket on the train, just make sure you don't fall under the wheels(If somebody could tell me what that means, I'd appreciate it.)

And to the returning members, Pssst (watch out. I think one of these new guys is a librarian!)


Anonymous said...

Congrats to all the Outtakes on a great audition. I look forward to catching your shows.

Pete Butler

vic0001 said...

You make everything sound better Larry.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the welcome. I've always heard purgatory was for the fun people! (Looking at the ceiling to see if a lightening strike is on the way.)

Em said...

Birds of a feather blog together!
Hey guys, I lost two fish this evening. I'm going to need a lot of support for the next six months...

Wooly House said...

It's like my daddy use to say: "Son, you'll never get into Heaven without good credit. Now invest in my latest money-making scheme!" Well, I did, and my credit is shot, so now I'm here in Purgatory.

And I couldn't be happier.

I mean, of course I could be happier, but why get into that right now? Let's just enjoy the moment.

JohnsKatsRool said...

I'm done lurking and am now here to make my presence known. Thanx for the welcome, guys. Am I annoying yet?