Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Island of Misfit Toys...

So Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was just on, and I was reminded that when I was a little kid, that Abominable Snow Monster of the North was one terrifying Bumble. Seriously, with the teeth and the King Kong-esque sound effects, the shift was scary. And it didn't help that the Burl Ives voiced snow dude would get freaked out too. Thankfully this time I was able to make it through without hiding under a couch pillow... for the most part.

But then I remembered the conversation I had with Jason, and later Larry, about Cloverfield. That movie freaked me out primarily because I thought I was going to puke because of the jerky camera (Of course Jason took the opportunity to point he watched it on a 50 inch screen TV and was just fine. I think that was just an excuse for him to tell me that he [presumably] has a 50 inch screen TV).

Of course that Cloverfield monster was one seriously huge frickin' Bumble. Holy crap! So I didn't cover my eyes on this one (again, for the most part). BUT, as much as I loved Godzilla movies growing up, this movie made it abundantly clear just how much a giant monster attack would REALLY suck. Yup', the shit would be uncool.

So here's my question all of you, what films/TV shows from today, or from your youth, or from any time for that matter, really freaked you out and/or made you a little nauseous?


Oh, and let's try and keep this as frivolous as possible okay?

And whatever you do, don't start exchanging e-mails on this!


Jeff said...

Alligator, I think it was called. It might have been made for tv. Some kid had to flush his pet alligator (salamander?) down the toilet; his parents wanted it out of the house. Then it grew up in the sewer, becoming mutated or something like that. I just remember the commercial where it used its mouth to smash through a sidewalk and climb up from the swere depths.

I also saw a special on tv when I was a kid about scorpions. Kinda cool, kinda scary. I had trouble sleeping that night, as I thought one was in my bedroom. Little did I know that scorpions could not survive in Roseville, MN...

Em said...

Since I have two big brothers I was exposed to movies that I probably shouldn't have seen at a young age. These moves scared me right out of my pants! Cujo, Pet Semetary, Cat's Eye, IT, Faces of Death
Scary movies that I would recommend include: Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Nosferatu, Killer Nerd, Misery, The Bad Seed, What Ever Happend To Baby Jane, Gaslight

Unknown said...

Alligator! Staring the ubiquitous Robert Forster! (blatant use of a big word there) Awesome!

Faces of Death... nobody's supposed to see those. Just wrong.

It- "We all float down here!" Oddest, albeit scariest, thing ever said by a clown played by Tim Curry.

JohnsKatsRool said...

The Pit and the Pendulum- the Vincent Price/ Roger Corman one,with the ending of the woman being locked inside an Iron Maiden- forever!! Jee- Susss!!!
Frances- about Frances Farmer- while not scary- was such a bummer I couldn't get it out of my mind for weeks.
Night of the Living Dead- the B&W version- had me clutching my winter jacket close to my chest. Zombies always did it for me.

Em- your brothers sound pretty cool to me if they let you watch Faces of Death with them!

larry bzzzz said...

I agree with John's choice of Night of the living dead. I saw the later Romero pics and they never seemed as real or scary as the original. I remember when I was a kid laying in bed one night, I could hear my 4 year older than me brother and my dad talking in the hallway about how he had seen The Exorcist that night and was too afraid to go to sleep. Realizing that there was something that terrifying in the world made me swear that I'd never watch that movie. And I never have.

Kick some comedy ass tomorrow night, gang!!!!

Wooly House said...

Literally the scariest movie I ever saw- one that I cannot watch to this day and still gives me legitimate nightmares- is Labrynith. I know it is a Jim Henson movie, and that it is a beloved tale of adventure and whimsy . . . but it scared the hell out of me.

And it wasn't the creepy Muppets, or the fact that a baby was kidnapped by goblins, or even David Bowie that scarred me the most. (That is not misspelled: I was scarred emotionally forever.) It was the Hellping Hands (again, not a misspell, as those hands were truly from Hell) that did it for me.

C'mon! A thousand blue hands and arms jutting out of the sides of a well, talking and threatening this girl from the darkness, and then dropping her to certain death when she doesn't appreciate their humor? I bet at least one of you just reading this wet yourself a little bit thinking about that.

No movie before or sense has scared me more. And no, I won't borrow it or watch it again. Ever.

I'm serious.

vic0001 said...

I would have to say the film that scared me the most as a child was Cruising. It was a film starring Al Pachino about a homosexual killing other homosexuals and there were very graphic love scenes. As a kid my parents never cenored what I watched. I had asked them to tape it and they did but then refused to let me see it. I waited until they were gone and I watched it in my mom's bedroom. Now,I terriefied by the sex scenes but I could never share my fear as I knew I would get in trouble. Past that the only other one I can think of is the judge from Roger rabbit. He screamed scarey like.

Wooly House said...

I think my wife is terrified of sex scenes, too, Vic. It makes watching pornographic "marital aides" more difficult, when I have to fast-forward past the sex back to the "plot." Isn't that the opposite of what it's suppose to be?