Sunday, February 24, 2008


I started with Stevie Rays a little over 2 years ago. I thought I was funny and wanted a creative outlet. Although I was in my mid thirties I was rather shy and a little closed off. I was always a really creative kid and that freaked my parents out. I was never too proud of what was definately a talent. Each teacher i have had at Stevies has made me better at improv and more self accepting. Not to mention that being with a group of creative people that I admire and respect has made me proud to be who I am. I just want to thank all of you for all of everything.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Oouttakes

The Outtakes

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The red shirt theory

Well, I gotta say, I woke up the day after our 2/16 show and felt pretty good about it. I thought it blew our previous two shows away and I had more fun than ANY of our shows. Peter did a great job hosting and maybe that took some pressure off of us. Of course, I did miss Larry (and Shirl a little, don't tell her I said that), but I thought everyone played together well. Rick did very well at his first time guessing in party and I thought Mike made the most of a tough suggestion. I really enjoyed opening the show with blues and hope we can do that again. This one might be my favorite show so far gang. Kudos ... and Kudos again fellow Outtakes !! Jim

Never Fear Tacos

Well here it is....Another show down and I all the richer. I feel a constant progression. I will say that I still struggle with sticking with the original object but at the same time think that it is fairly common to do so in a 3 to 5 minute conversation. My goal in languages was to go as big and loud with the languages as I could and accomplished that. I wonder about my choice in party but again it made sence at the time. I do think that it will be the last time I suck anything on stage. I was very pleased with our show and felt we all played well. Then again I have always felt that we had a good group that plays well together. Viva la France


Sunday, February 17, 2008


The sicko(that doesn't sound right) needs some news. Hopefully you kicked ass. Tell me. Larry

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Hey all
Try to avoid that horrible bug hanging out there. It seems to have gotten Larry and Jim. Dont be the next victim, wash your hands, and dont make out too much.

I'm Thick!!!

Hey all, I picked up a cold from someone, and will be checking DNA samples this saturday to see who gave it to me(no, not that type of DNa sample, Rick!) Really though, I'm not sure if I'll be in shape for the show or not at this point. We'll see when Saturday rolls around.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

IN the Fringe Festival!!!!!!!!

Hey All, Just got word today that my ball was picked! (not what you think, Rick!)

I'm writing a play about a bunch of ragtag improvisors that come together against all odds in a town that won't let them perform and they take their improv to the streets, and with some bullet time Matrix moves and lots of smoke and mirrors, they finally reach a level somewhat above mediocrity and track Osama to a cave in the Sheraton and save the platypus from extinction!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I found an old e-mail I had with a link to a site where you can hear different dialects from around the world. Check it out!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My (out) take on the show.

Um, I think, ah, I'm uh, going to uh, try to keep, um, from filling in ah, between uh words, um, when I host.

I reviewed the show tape and a couple of things came to mind.

First, while the use of accents is great and can probably helped scenes, it really doesn't work when used on 185 and WW, which was a problem during the show. I think when the audience hears an accent they assume there is a reason for the performer doing it, i.e. relating to the lines delivered. And when it doesn't relate there is confusion.

Second, a thought came to mind about why some scenes work and some don't. I think it's a problem of adding information. But not just any information.

I think about scenes I've enjoyed in the past and it's the ones that take a leap and make me anticipate what's next. Example: I'm playing a guy and Vic is my southern belle wife(of course). He(she) pulls out a photo and says "Junior looks so handsome in his graduation robes" And I say, "Yes he does, what's for dinner?"

Now I've added information, sure-I'm hungry-not very interesting-who cares where this goes.

Let's try it again: Vic "Junior looks so handsome in his graduation robes" Me: "Yes he does. I've never really noticed this before, but Junior looks a whole lot more like our neighbor, Bill Johnson, than he does me!" Then Vic can blush and the audience can laugh thinking that my wife sleeps around. But this certainly Sets up a scene worth exploring.

So I'm going to work not just adding information, but adding interesting information.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Whoo Hoo! I found a Computer to use (and abuse)!

Okay, I had to trudge myself over to the library just to do this so I don't have much time to edit and censor and all that jazz, so here goes.
These last two shows, for me personally, were great! I know you guys go on and on about how great the first show was, and I think you all did a superb job...but it was almost a complete failure for me. I went home and cried! Ok, I'm lying, but I was really depressed. I can't even bring myself to watch the dvd.
Then Jason accused me of not caring (WTF! Grrrrrrrrrr!), and, I don't know, it clicked something in me, and forced me to have some serious conversations with myself.
I made a personal breakthrough. My goal each show is to go ballsout and have some damn fun. I don't care if it's perfect or funny or good. What I care about is am I making myself a part of this team or cheating everybody by holding back. Improv is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life only because it calls for me to be myself and trust other people. Trust, people, is not a luxury I can readily afford! However, since I am a spiritual person, that whole zen thing being essential for improv makes a hella lotta sense. I'm looking forward to exploring the possibilities of that vein.
I think I have a ways to go to be completely comfy on stage, but I feel hella better than I did the first time. As a result, I'm not about to rag on the show. I've seen stuff hella worse than what we've done, and I'm proud of what we accomplish. I'm glad I get to play with you all, and in the progress, gain some well needed therapy.
Peace & cheese.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Last nights show was a bit rough for me. That's being kind. I struggled in the first portion and had to lean on my partners for support (thank you all). I felt better during Arnold, Experts and Party. I really get disappointed in myself when I'm not performing as well as I could and I think that it shows. My overall opinion is that this show was a slight improvement over our previous show, but didn't capture the level of our first. I do believe that working on dialects helped us find a different voice (no pun intended) and better level of character development. Everyone seemed to play with it at least a little and it showed that classroom work can pay off if we let it. I would like to see Arnold on stage again next show (without the mic in the middle of the stage) and think we can make it work if we give it another chance. Any thoughts on this? I also think Blues might be a fun way to open the show (with or without music) and it may help us connect better (let's face it gang, freeze tag has missed 3 shows in a row). Solid job hosting Larry. Mr. Clean himself would've been impressed. As for everyone else, good solid effort and a step in the right direction. GO TEAM OUTTAKES !!!!

Another show down

There is only one way to describe my portion of the show last night, Agressive. After the first show I found myself tired and a bit crabby. I think the agressiveness helped me to take comand of the stage and it ihurtme by keeping me at least patially disconnect through out the show. The only real connection I felt was in the scene between myself and Rick. Although part of that is fact Rick is a great scene partner and very easy to trust. One lesson I got from the show is that we are all very capable of making anything we do go well. We just have to remember to go bigger when we think we are failing instead of shinking bak into ourselves. That is all I have for now.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Welcome Outtakes

Here it is folks,
The Blog.  Lets all try to contribute when we can with some positive criticism and some general postings that might let everyone learn something about each other.

For example.  I am Leo.  

Talk to yall soon
