Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And the nominees for Outstanding Achievement in the Performance of a Goat are....

Jason Bindas

Yes, I know he actually posted the first response to Duck, Duck, Goat!, but he also took an opportunity to to take a shot at me for referencing Duck, Duck, Gray Duck, instead of that whole "Goose" thing you foreigners do.

Oh, and on a semi-related noted:

I googled "gray vs. grey", and I learned that

Gray is a color


Grey is a colour

John McCarten

I don't care how many e-mails and whatever else Hennepin County might block. You could stop daydreaming about your future home on the range for a few seconds to contribute your 2 cents!

Jim Elsenpeter

Wellllllllllll, I may not have a high speed internet connection at home, but at least I have dial-up. You apparently don't. So I say get yourself one of those magic phones that lets you check your e-mail (kinda' like Jason Goosedas) and surf the web.

Victor Avis

One need only see you on lights to know you're tech savy enough to negotiate your way along the super information highway. Besides, you wrote one of the first posts. You know what you're doing.

Jeff Kaisershot

And the Goat is...

Jeff Kaisershot!!!

Dude, not only could you not be bothered to scroll down a few inches to read the post below the Love is Like prep, but then you go and use the "jerked around" punchline for marionettes, right after I had just used it! So you're not even reading things in the same damn post! You can't just sit around all day going show me, show me, show me while you're looking at pictures of you, every now and then you gotta' read something!


Up & Adam.

Improv @ work

So word got back to someone in marketing that I dabble in the art of improvisation. They asked if I would do a little for them. I agreed, and was given a time and place to meet.

When I got there, I discovered they wanted me to improvise a scene for a piece of marketing for my company's new study Bible. (Remember, I work for a Lutheran company.) And who is probably the best person/diety to promote a new Bible? If you said "Billy Mays," you're going to hell.

I played God.

So, if you are ever online and shopping for a new Lutheran Study Bible, and you see "God" sharing his insights in a YouTube-style video, don't start praying right away; it may just be me.

When the video is actually up, I'll share.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Prep for Valentine's Day- Love is Like...

So we should really be on this Saturday in regards to "Love is Like..." Face it, there will be some people in the audience on dates, hoping to either find, rekindle, or maintain their current level of love, and we have to help. We have to be like "The Love Guru," but funny and worth the price of admission. So let's start a round of "Love is Like..." Whoever does the 3rd one, list another object, and we'll continue doing that. Understand? I hope to God you do...

Anyway, Love is Like a marionette puppet... GO!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Checkin' to see if anyone's actually checkin' the blog

Okay, to see if anyone's actually bothering to check this, I'm going to start a new game. It's called


Basically a variation on that childhood favorite we play at rehearsal from time to time, Duck, Duck, Goo... ahem, sorry, Gray Duck.

So each time you post a response to this, say whatever you need to say (one post per person!), and then end your post with "Duck." Until we get to our last posting 'Taker, who must self-identify as the "Goat!"

Just to remind everyone, our contributors are:

The 'House
Jim E
larry bzzzz

Let the games begin!


Friday, February 6, 2009

I stole this from the big kids blog!!

After seeing that Woolhouse had the Ka-Jones to post on the big kids blog, I was inspired to take it one step further, and totally yoinked this link right off of there. That's right, I did it! And yeah, they might try to kick the crap out of me in the stairs or out on the playground for it, but I figure as long as long as I have some of our crew backing me up, like Wooly (who I'm betting can take a solid beating) or Vic (who I'm betting can at least make people believe he can administer a solid beating), I should be okay.

I admittedly did experience a bit of an ethical dilemma. I mean, in this super blogging information twitter highway facebook age, what sort of ethical considerations must one have about cribbing information from other posts? Is it a new age form of plagiarism? But then I realized I was swipin' a link to something posted somewhere that violated copyright laws anyway, so who gives a shit. I've watched this a bunch of times, and it cracks me up. Let your inner geek shine!

Jason Bindas Stole this From Eddie Izzard, I'm Stealing it Back!

Monday, February 2, 2009


The subject is a tube of toothpaste. Go!