Sunday, September 28, 2008

Goony Oath

I found my old Goony book while I was in Iowa! We should probably add the book to the reading list. I was also thinking the Goony Oath should be our motto for the next six months.

I will never betray my Goon Dock friends.
We will stick together until the whole world ends.
Through heaven and hell, and nuclear war,
good pals like us will stick like tar.
In the city, or the country, or the forest, or boonies,
I am proudly declared one of the goonies!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

So this is blogging... how 'bout that.

Is anyone else concerned that Stevie Ray's book isn't listed at the side, and there could be some sort of karmatic consequences as a result? Not that I've read it. I'm just saying is all.

As I sit here eating my Newman's Own Organics The Second Generation Spelt Pretzels, I'm reminded the master himself passed away this morning. And as I was driving along 494 to rehearsal this morning, I browsed through my Ipod (probably not safe, but not illegal either) looking for the appropriate song to mark the occasion. Since I don't have BJ Thomas' eponymous "Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head", I went with the next best thing. Guns n Roses "Civil War."

Yeah, I know. I can't imagine Newman was much of a GnR fan either. But this particular tune features the famous "What we have hear..." line from the Warden in Cool Hand Luke sampled at the beginning. So I was cruisin' to the GnR, like Newman tearin' it up at the BIR. I think I'll add Cool Hand Luke to my Blockbuster queue.

FYI... According to Wikipedia Newman's Own, founded in 1982, was a For Profit company, with all proceeds going directly to Newman. He in turn donated all proceeds, which reached approximately $250 million as of this year.


Great start this morning everyone. This is going to be a great group, i can feel it.
I have sent invites out to everyone, so let the blogging begin.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Audio Clip!

Wow, did you know that you can add an audio clip to your Blogger profile? I did, but I never had one I cared to put on . . . until now. A buddy of mine put a bunch of mp3s on line of our old college radio show, some bits we did and what not. The one in my profile is called: "The History of Forest City." It is the retelling of my college town's past, as done by kindergarteners. If you know me, then you know that it ends up with the kids being beaten. It was quite popular, until a listener caught it at her day care, and called in to have it removed. It's not bad, but I should reiterate: kindergarteners do get beaten in it.


Or don't. What am I, your mother?

The 'House

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Welcome to Purgatory

Hi to all the new troupe members. I like to think of the Outtakes as the place between heaven(Main Troupe) and Hell (working at the post office). So now you got a ticket on the train, just make sure you don't fall under the wheels(If somebody could tell me what that means, I'd appreciate it.)

And to the returning members, Pssst (watch out. I think one of these new guys is a librarian!)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Is it easier to know you can't do it or just do it?

I was thinking about our conversation on Saturday night and it got me thinking about my time at Stevie Rays. I was surprised to realize that there were so many things that I couldn't do until I just did them. I remember struggling in class to jib for languages. I could not do it and in fact I was sure that I would never be able to. Eventually I drew that structure on stage and of course I did it. I could say the same thing about almost any structure. I can say that about traits as well. I never thought I could play overly confident or use accents or stretch too far beyond me and of course at times I have done them all. My point is that I was so sure that I could not do these things that I did not try. Only when I was forced into these situations did I realize that I was free to do anything. A wise person once told me that in Improv you are free do be anything including being more than your concept of self. This gives us the freedom to do as Jason always says and not only be uncomfortable on stage but continuously challenge our comfort zones which will certainly make us grow.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Breakfast Music

In honor of Emilys breakfast and love of stop action films.