Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I have books

I thought I would throw this out there in case any of you want to borrow a book. I have Improvie By Mick Napier, Improvising Better by Jimmy Carrane and Liz Allen, The Improv Handbook by Tom Salinsky and Deborah Frances-white, and Process by Mary Scruggs and michael Gellman. I am presently reading the last one but all of the others are open.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Let's Bond

Hey, do any of you have a certain song that gets your creative juices flowing? If so, I was thinking of making a cd with all of our songs on it. Perhaps it would help bond us as a team or just be a fun cd to have around. For kicks, I've matched up a song for each one of you. : )

Larry- Safety Dance
Jason- Dream On
Jim- We’re Not Gonna Take It
Victor- Eye of the Tiger
Mary Kay- Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Jeff- Everybody Have Fun Tonight
Wells- The Devil Went Down to Georgia
John- Johnny B. Goode
Adam- Paperback Writer

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A VERY funny TV show

There's a show on CBS entitled "Worst Week" and it's okay, but it's based on a BBC series which is HILARIOUS!!! If you have high speed internet, check it out.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

In honor of the hecca

Well friends I was thinking we needed our own reward for the outtake that has the best show of the night. So here it is the official outtakes never say die award. I will bring it to the next show.


Congratulations fellow Outtakes on a job very well done. Hats off to all for connecting with each other stronger than ever before. You have no idea how much I wish I could have been a part of that show. Perhaps another time. "Best show ever", is very high praise from Director Bindas, but I believe it is well deserved. Now go forth and be proud !!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

What makes you laugh?

I'm in the process of reading "The Art of Comedy" by Paul Ryan. By "in process" I mean just passed the forward and introduction during lunch, and plan on attacking Chapter One tonight when insomnia hits. And I know I should probably read more than the first 8 pages before discussing it on here, but in the intro's "F.A.Q." section, a very profound question was asked:

"What makes something funny?"

It's profound because there is no correct or incorrect answer. Theologist and philosophers can debate and argue and study all they want; what I find funny I am sure at least one of you would find disgusting and possibly racist, and vice versa. So I ask you: to you, what makes something funny? Or, to put it maybe an easier way: What do you find funny?

I think a discussion like this will help us interact on stage, know which lines to cross/stay neatly behind, and what we can bond over to bring the best out of each other. The essence of comedy is truth; if I/we know what truly makes you/me laugh, that can only help our stage presentation.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Viva La Outtakes

I recently bought Jimmy Carrane's book "Improvising Better". It did not take long to get through all fourteen pages. The book left me very excited for the next six months. It goes through a series of issues that beginning to expert improvisers run into. I know that we get into our heads and feel like we make too many mistakes at times but this book re-enforces that many others do the same. It shows me that there are ways to constantly improve and that we are all on the same road as other improvisers are on past and present. Many of the exercises presented in the book have been used before and surely will be used again by Jason. Unfortunately we were not all present for the first rehearsal but I was happy with what I saw and cannot wait to perform with all of you.