Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years, Take-Meisters!!

Hope you all stay safe and relatively in control this evening. I'll be working late , prepping books t sell so we can buys books for the children at the Library. For the children.
Over/Under on who's gonna puke first tonight?

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm back and stuff


I am back. In case anyone is wondering where I am "back" from . . . no where, really. This last show-weekend I was in Iowa for a funeral, and then got snowed in down there until Sunday morning around 11am. Definetly not as fun as watching ya'll perform, but I made do (ie. drinking with my family around the hotel pool.)

And more importantly than white-out road conditions and dead great-grandmothers (well, not MORE important, but more relevant I guess, since she's dead and all) I have a job. A good job. A 9-5 Monday-Friday job. So no more weekend work. No more wondering if I can afford to pay Jason his $10/week stipend for passing knowledge unto me. And no more not coming to practice because I'm selling portraits to church goers at inflated prices. Whoo hoo!

So Merry Christmas to you all (and a somber Ramadan to John) and whomever is not gone I'll see this Saturday at 10am.

Thank you, and good night.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Island of Misfit Toys...

So Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was just on, and I was reminded that when I was a little kid, that Abominable Snow Monster of the North was one terrifying Bumble. Seriously, with the teeth and the King Kong-esque sound effects, the shift was scary. And it didn't help that the Burl Ives voiced snow dude would get freaked out too. Thankfully this time I was able to make it through without hiding under a couch pillow... for the most part.

But then I remembered the conversation I had with Jason, and later Larry, about Cloverfield. That movie freaked me out primarily because I thought I was going to puke because of the jerky camera (Of course Jason took the opportunity to point he watched it on a 50 inch screen TV and was just fine. I think that was just an excuse for him to tell me that he [presumably] has a 50 inch screen TV).

Of course that Cloverfield monster was one seriously huge frickin' Bumble. Holy crap! So I didn't cover my eyes on this one (again, for the most part). BUT, as much as I loved Godzilla movies growing up, this movie made it abundantly clear just how much a giant monster attack would REALLY suck. Yup', the shit would be uncool.

So here's my question all of you, what films/TV shows from today, or from your youth, or from any time for that matter, really freaked you out and/or made you a little nauseous?


Oh, and let's try and keep this as frivolous as possible okay?

And whatever you do, don't start exchanging e-mails on this!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Holiday Fun

I encourage all of you to go elf yourself! Ha!
If you make an elf be sure to send it to me. I think it's hilarious!
I'm off to Iowa tomorrow. I'm going to bring back It's A Wonderful Life for those of you that haven't had the pleasure of watching it. : ) I wish the Goonies would have made a holiday special. Picture Sloth dressed like Father Christmas. Nice...
Check ya later gators!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Lunchbox.........

Hey Everybody. When the lunchbox idea started I told a couple of members my thoughts on it. I had hoped it would just disappear, but since it hasn't I wanted to share my thoughts with everyone. The Outtakes, dysfunctional as we are, are a group. When awards are given to an individual instead of the group as a whole, it becomes, or will become, divisive to the group. If it continues, eventually it will get down to one or more people who never get this thing. Think of it as being the last person picked in dodge ball. Do you remember that feeling? I'm sure it wasn't a fun experience. It's not any different now.

While I appreciate the idea, Vic, God knows we don't get much positive validation, my strong feeling is that we end this now and return the box to Vic so he can put it in the Indiana Jones warehouse. I'd like everyone to give their opinion on this.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Meditation Article

I just read this article and it seems helpful for the group so I am posting it.

Work should be considered as play, not as work. Work should be considered as play, just a game. You should not be serious about it; you should be just like children playing. It is meaningless, nothing is to be achieved; just the very activity is enjoyed. You can feel the distinction if you play sometimes. When you work it is different: you are serious, burdened, responsible, worried, anxious, because the result, the end-result, is the motive. The work itself is not worth enjoying. The real thing is just in the future, in the result. In play there is no result, really. The very process is blissful. And you are not worried, it is not a serious thing. Even if you look serious, it is just pretending. In play you enjoy the very process; in work the process is not being enjoyed -- the goal, the end, is important. The process has to be tolerated anyhow. It has to be done because the end has to be achieved. If you could achieve the end without this, you would drop activity and jump to the end. But in play you would not do that. The businessman is not playful. And if you are not playful, you cannot be meditative. Be more and more playful. Waste time in play. Just playing with children will do. Even if there is no one, you can jump and dance alone in the room and be playful. Enjoy. But your mind will go on insisting, "What are you doing, wasting time? You can earn something out of this time. You can do something, and you are just jumping, singing, and dancing. What are you doing? Have you gone mad? Try it. Snatch whatsoever time you can get out of your business, and be playful. Whatsoever. You can paint, you can play on a sitar, anything you like -- but be playful. Look for no profit out of it, see no future in it, just the present. And then, then you can be playful inside also. Then you can jump on your thoughts, play with them, throw them here and there, dance with them, but not be serious about them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I have books

I thought I would throw this out there in case any of you want to borrow a book. I have Improvie By Mick Napier, Improvising Better by Jimmy Carrane and Liz Allen, The Improv Handbook by Tom Salinsky and Deborah Frances-white, and Process by Mary Scruggs and michael Gellman. I am presently reading the last one but all of the others are open.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Let's Bond

Hey, do any of you have a certain song that gets your creative juices flowing? If so, I was thinking of making a cd with all of our songs on it. Perhaps it would help bond us as a team or just be a fun cd to have around. For kicks, I've matched up a song for each one of you. : )

Larry- Safety Dance
Jason- Dream On
Jim- We’re Not Gonna Take It
Victor- Eye of the Tiger
Mary Kay- Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Jeff- Everybody Have Fun Tonight
Wells- The Devil Went Down to Georgia
John- Johnny B. Goode
Adam- Paperback Writer

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A VERY funny TV show

There's a show on CBS entitled "Worst Week" and it's okay, but it's based on a BBC series which is HILARIOUS!!! If you have high speed internet, check it out.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

In honor of the hecca

Well friends I was thinking we needed our own reward for the outtake that has the best show of the night. So here it is the official outtakes never say die award. I will bring it to the next show.


Congratulations fellow Outtakes on a job very well done. Hats off to all for connecting with each other stronger than ever before. You have no idea how much I wish I could have been a part of that show. Perhaps another time. "Best show ever", is very high praise from Director Bindas, but I believe it is well deserved. Now go forth and be proud !!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

What makes you laugh?

I'm in the process of reading "The Art of Comedy" by Paul Ryan. By "in process" I mean just passed the forward and introduction during lunch, and plan on attacking Chapter One tonight when insomnia hits. And I know I should probably read more than the first 8 pages before discussing it on here, but in the intro's "F.A.Q." section, a very profound question was asked:

"What makes something funny?"

It's profound because there is no correct or incorrect answer. Theologist and philosophers can debate and argue and study all they want; what I find funny I am sure at least one of you would find disgusting and possibly racist, and vice versa. So I ask you: to you, what makes something funny? Or, to put it maybe an easier way: What do you find funny?

I think a discussion like this will help us interact on stage, know which lines to cross/stay neatly behind, and what we can bond over to bring the best out of each other. The essence of comedy is truth; if I/we know what truly makes you/me laugh, that can only help our stage presentation.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Viva La Outtakes

I recently bought Jimmy Carrane's book "Improvising Better". It did not take long to get through all fourteen pages. The book left me very excited for the next six months. It goes through a series of issues that beginning to expert improvisers run into. I know that we get into our heads and feel like we make too many mistakes at times but this book re-enforces that many others do the same. It shows me that there are ways to constantly improve and that we are all on the same road as other improvisers are on past and present. Many of the exercises presented in the book have been used before and surely will be used again by Jason. Unfortunately we were not all present for the first rehearsal but I was happy with what I saw and cannot wait to perform with all of you.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Goony Oath

I found my old Goony book while I was in Iowa! We should probably add the book to the reading list. I was also thinking the Goony Oath should be our motto for the next six months.

I will never betray my Goon Dock friends.
We will stick together until the whole world ends.
Through heaven and hell, and nuclear war,
good pals like us will stick like tar.
In the city, or the country, or the forest, or boonies,
I am proudly declared one of the goonies!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

So this is blogging... how 'bout that.

Is anyone else concerned that Stevie Ray's book isn't listed at the side, and there could be some sort of karmatic consequences as a result? Not that I've read it. I'm just saying is all.

As I sit here eating my Newman's Own Organics The Second Generation Spelt Pretzels, I'm reminded the master himself passed away this morning. And as I was driving along 494 to rehearsal this morning, I browsed through my Ipod (probably not safe, but not illegal either) looking for the appropriate song to mark the occasion. Since I don't have BJ Thomas' eponymous "Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head", I went with the next best thing. Guns n Roses "Civil War."

Yeah, I know. I can't imagine Newman was much of a GnR fan either. But this particular tune features the famous "What we have hear..." line from the Warden in Cool Hand Luke sampled at the beginning. So I was cruisin' to the GnR, like Newman tearin' it up at the BIR. I think I'll add Cool Hand Luke to my Blockbuster queue.

FYI... According to Wikipedia Newman's Own, founded in 1982, was a For Profit company, with all proceeds going directly to Newman. He in turn donated all proceeds, which reached approximately $250 million as of this year.


Great start this morning everyone. This is going to be a great group, i can feel it.
I have sent invites out to everyone, so let the blogging begin.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Audio Clip!

Wow, did you know that you can add an audio clip to your Blogger profile? I did, but I never had one I cared to put on . . . until now. A buddy of mine put a bunch of mp3s on line of our old college radio show, some bits we did and what not. The one in my profile is called: "The History of Forest City." It is the retelling of my college town's past, as done by kindergarteners. If you know me, then you know that it ends up with the kids being beaten. It was quite popular, until a listener caught it at her day care, and called in to have it removed. It's not bad, but I should reiterate: kindergarteners do get beaten in it.


Or don't. What am I, your mother?

The 'House

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Welcome to Purgatory

Hi to all the new troupe members. I like to think of the Outtakes as the place between heaven(Main Troupe) and Hell (working at the post office). So now you got a ticket on the train, just make sure you don't fall under the wheels(If somebody could tell me what that means, I'd appreciate it.)

And to the returning members, Pssst (watch out. I think one of these new guys is a librarian!)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Is it easier to know you can't do it or just do it?

I was thinking about our conversation on Saturday night and it got me thinking about my time at Stevie Rays. I was surprised to realize that there were so many things that I couldn't do until I just did them. I remember struggling in class to jib for languages. I could not do it and in fact I was sure that I would never be able to. Eventually I drew that structure on stage and of course I did it. I could say the same thing about almost any structure. I can say that about traits as well. I never thought I could play overly confident or use accents or stretch too far beyond me and of course at times I have done them all. My point is that I was so sure that I could not do these things that I did not try. Only when I was forced into these situations did I realize that I was free to do anything. A wise person once told me that in Improv you are free do be anything including being more than your concept of self. This gives us the freedom to do as Jason always says and not only be uncomfortable on stage but continuously challenge our comfort zones which will certainly make us grow.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Breakfast Music

In honor of Emilys breakfast and love of stop action films.

Friday, August 29, 2008

August 30th Show

Just letting everyone know I am bringing a nice, round dozen audience members to the show on Saturday. Beat that.

Also, they will be there for a bachelor party. Just warning you is all. Jim, you might get some dollar bills shoved into your pants.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This Sunday in the park

Well friends I still have not been able to pass my stone. To insure that a mishap does not mar the park show would anyone like to take this show in my place?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Experiences With Comedy

Upbringing, Formative Experience, and Their Effect in Improv Comedy By Brian Melamed
This paper raised a few interesting questions.
1) How does the upbringing and formative experience of comedy inform the aspirations and motivations of improv comedians?
2) To what extent do similar past experiences in comedy affect interpersonal relationships in improv comedy groups?
Anyone care to answer?

Six Ring Circus

Congrats to Mahmoud and Jeff for making it into Six Ring Circus last night.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Will Draw Anything for $2

Check out this website:

This guy will draw just about anything you want for, that is right, $2. Some are twisted, some are strange, some are probably inside jokes for the requestors. I am tempted to throw this guy some World's Worsts to see what he draws...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yard Game Olympics

August 23rd, my wife and I are throwing a party. It is a party based on our love for Yard Games. Because it is the Olympic season, we are throwing a Yard Game Olympics party. Four events- croquet, bocce ball, bean bag toss, and monkey balls- in a single-elimination tournament to crown the Gold Medalists. If you are interested in joining in the fun, let me know- Emily has already expressed interest; she needs a partner. Anyone want to step up and help her out?

Along with gold, silver, and bronze medals for the events, we'll be handing out a medal for the Best Dressed Team, and the coveted DWS medal (which, quite eloquently, stands for the Didn't Win Shit Medal.) We will be providing hot dogs and buns- bring your own condiments and drinks. Afterwards we'll be doing a bonfire with a game of kick ball for fun. There is a pool, hot tub, and trampoline for additional fun.

That's all. Yay. Come if you want, just ask for directions. And if you do want to go, let me know ASAP: we only have 4 slots left in the tournament brackets.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Book Stuff

Rereading Truth in Comedy I came across this tidbit. It is not earth-shattering - we all heard it before. I know it is just a good reminder for me.

"Support and trust go hand-in-hand for perfomers; they must trust that their fellow players will support them. The only star in improv is the ensemble itself; if everyone is doing his job well, then no one should stand out. The best way for an improviser to look good is by making his fellow players look good.
When performers truly commit to a scene, they take care of each other. Whenever someone makes what appears to be a mistake on stage, the others immediately justify it and weave it into the pattern of the entire work. More often than not, those "mistakes" become valuable contributions to the piece. The entire ensemble winds up looking brilliant because...they acknowledge mistakes and incorporate them into the large work to add extra texture and depth."

Need a citation? Chapter 3, punks! Read it!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Check this out!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Not to compete with Larry . . .

Check out this online comic strip. It is basically your everyday "Garfield" strips, but Garfield has been taken out. Without Garfield, it is just Jon Arbuckle, struggling to make it through life as he battles depression, schizophrenia, and loniness. In a nutshell, it is awesome.

Hope you enjoy, and again I wish you all good luck this coming Saturday.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A very funny guy.

Check this out, and try to restrain yourself from looking at all of them!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Emily and the 7 mental dwarfs

I'll be baldy. Or maybe brainy.


I've decided to give facebook one more try. Let the good times roll!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 5th

Just so we are all clear. We ARE having rehearsal on Sat, but there is NO show that night due to the SciFi convention.
Email me with questions.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Improv in the Park on 'CCO

Just in case you misplace the email I sent . . . here is the link to the footage of Jim, Mahmoud, and myself entertaining a decent-sized crowd at the 5 o'clock performance at Improv in the Park this past Sunday (June 29th.) Watch it, and be jealous.

PS: My cousin was at the show. His "compliment" to me: "That Mahmoud guy is really funny. I loved him." I'll take what I can get from him, I guess.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Improv at Job Interview

So I had a job interview today. And- surprise!- I decided to use some of the improv-esque advice that was shared at class last Saturday. Now, I may not be getting the job (although I have a second interview tomorrow) but it sounds like I recruited a handful of audience members. The interviewer asked about hobbies, I told her about The Outtakes, and she started complimenting my delivery in the interview, my ability to weave humor into the conversation, and she asked about times and dates.

So even if I don't get the job, this Saturday I can say that I put two butts in the seats.

Also, if she does come, make sure I'm the funniest up there that night, so I'll for sure get the job. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Additional fun was had

For those of you that missed the Grand Old Days parade, go to and look at the Grand Old Days slide show pic #23, talk about some good free advertising!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fun was had

I just thought I'd drop in and say that I enjoyed performing last Saturday night and not everyone in the world gets to have that, so a doff of the cap to my fellow castmates, as well as an attaboy to Tim D for making time to host for us. I would be remiss if I forgot to thank Michael E as well for providing us with a lush environment of tonality to create with. Our shows are truly better when you add your talent. Finally, where would we be without our fearless leader, J.B. ? Oh wait, that was a question, crap. Nice job putting the show together J.B., I think the line-up had a nice flow to it and I can't wait to see it from an audience perspective (Thank you in advance for making copies Larry, I'm bowing and honoring you as I write this). Oh, one last thing: I had a great time in languages Vic, thanks for being a great partner. See you all in class ..... Jim

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Game night at Larry's Rocked

Bigtime props for our boy Larry (and Linda too) for throwing a bash that went well into the night and only managed to blow the circuit breaker one time. It looked to this reporter that a fun time was had by all (when they found the place that is, yes I'm looking at you Em). Those unavailable missed a good one. Thanks again Lawrence !!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Six Ring on Tuesday, May 20

Hey Gang, Come and see Jeff and me (and Mahmoud too?) this coming Tuesday (May 20) at Six Ring Circus. Here is the link with more info.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Big ups for Mahmoud

I was listening to the Zenprov pod cast number 21. Before they get into the subject they give a shout out to our friend Mahmoud. They say that Jill told them after the Zenprov work shop Mahmoud had one of his best sets ever.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Woo-hoo! I made it into Six Ring!

I auditioned for BNI's Six Ring Circus the other night, and I made it onto a team! Cool! I am very psyched about this added improv opportunity!

Our first show is next Tuesday, May 13. You will find me on stage as part of Thunder Clown. Come check us out! For those unable to recite improv schedules around the Twin Cities at the drop of a hat, it is 7:30 at the BNW - one stinking dollar to get in!

Let's get this blog rollin

How are we doing on our personal goals? Now that we've had a couple of shows, what do you see as our group goals? If our group had a mascot, what would it be???

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Word to Your Mother

Thanks for taping the show Larry! I was laughing so hard during the blues that I may have disturbed my neighbors. I wonder what our snappy rhythm techniques say about our personalities... Seriously though, good job to everyone! It was fun to watch. We're a funny bunch and I can't wait to see what comes next. If anyone is interested in catching some improv together, feel free to email me. I'm always looking for someone to go with.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Nicely done everyone!! Great start. There is definitely a great group here. I am looking forward to getting our focus and making some great performances. I applaud every ones commitment. Lets keep bringing the ROCK!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Good show, old chaps!

The audience seemed to like the show, and think i had more fun doing this show than any previous ones. Watching Emily attack the mike on blues cracked me up so much that I forgot my first line. Wait till you see the disk, she looks like Satan herself. Now that's the kind of blues they do at the crossroads, brother! And Adam, as soon as I find a bigger utility belt than yours, you're goin down!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I had a blast last night !!! I'm so excited about this group !!! We all came together and kicked some serious derriere !!! To quote the lovely and multi-talented Jill Bernard, "YAY". Thanks to Tim for lending his time on out behalf. Kerry, yes, showing me your butt was a bit of a distraction, but if thats what I have to experience to help make a great show, I'll take one for the team ;)

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Hey wow look at this blog. I finally got on here. I can't ever remember my passwords. I am super excited to perform with such a fun group of people!!!! You guys rock and I look forward to Sat. mornings!!!! Sat. night is going to be a lot of fun!!!!! Let's break some legs!!!!!


Hello all,
It is showtime this Saturday, so get your iron out, and tell all your friends. Just $3.
Also, I sent an email out yesterday with all the info you should need, including the line up. Let me know if you did not receive it.
Get ready to play!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Break a leg

Hey Gang, sorry I can't be there on Saturday for the big debut. I hope you have a great show. Rock and Roll!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I'm going to work on keeping up the energy. No backing down!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


As it was my idea, I will start the goal setting. I have one goal. Consistency...I go from great to good to lets kill him..This round I want to be up and strong for the majority of shows. Now lets hear from the rest of our team...


The Start

Hello All
Nice rehearsal today!! I am excited about this group. I feel like you all are going to bring some great things to stage, and i am excited to see it all. It is going to be a great summer for the Outtakes.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Outtakes Results

The Outtakes
Jason Bindas – Director
Victor Avis
Emily Barrett
Larry Bieza
Jim Elsenpeter
Mahmoud Hakima
Jeff Kaisershot
Kenny Lewis
Brad Kruse
Kerry Pirnat
Adam Woolhouse

Congratulations everyone!! See you this Saturday.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Bond

I have to say it was a great show last night for the Outtakes. I think your bonding experience early in the day brought a great connection for all of you. Great energy and play.
Bring it to the auditions. Break a leg y'all.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Jason, a message fro you!

Jason, Mike sent this to me because he can't reach you. It appears he is sick. get well soon Mike!!!

Larry, it's Mike S, It's Thursday and I am still in the hospital. I'll probably be out on sat. I tried to email jason but his box is full. Could you either email or call him and have him call me re the show and auditions? 612-296-2930. Mike

Monday, March 10, 2008


Hey yall,
One more show to make happen before auditions. Lets get ourselves a big crowd to enjoy the night. Hit it hard yall, and most of all, bring some serious play this round.
See you on the field.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


...just some thoughts about last night. First of all, I was disappointed that about 75% of the audience bolted after the first show. We had better "retention" at past shows. On the other hand, the crowd did not seem to get a lot of the improv at the first show. Maybe it was just as well that they left...

I felt extremely good about the Alphabet Song scene that Rick and I pulled off. Singing the whole thing sure got me out of my head of trying to think of the next line with the appropriate letter. Interesting that we had rhyming couplets for the first number of lines. I guess we have been trained, not necessarily from an improv school of thought, to make sure you sing two lines that rhyme. Oh well. Good thing we decided to drop the rhyming aspect. A few people said that was the longest Alphabet scene they ever saw. I had no concept of time while I was in the middle of the scene. It was fun! Kudos, Rick!

Arnold was solid again. I thought it was funny that we were given toothpick as a suggestion again...especially with Linda sitting there, operating the lights. When it was yelled out, I think there was a second where we all thought, "Well, who is going to go out there and do that one tonight?" Thank you, Lori, for stepping to the plate. :)

I also felt very good about my hosting of Party Quirks. Sometimes I have been nervous about that; I had a few past instances with tough bouts of guessing. I think my record was about 25 minutes from a few years ago (please try not to break that - it is sacred). Anyway, none of those past instances ever occurred to me last night. I was just up there on stage, ready for whatever would be thrown at me. I felt in control of the whole thing. Some characters I guessed quickly (McCain), and others took a bit more fishing (Marilyn Monroe the marine biologist - pardon the pun - and even Abe Lincoln with his sloganeering quirk). Still, I never had that black hole feeling of "My God, this is taking forever!"


Sunday, February 24, 2008


I started with Stevie Rays a little over 2 years ago. I thought I was funny and wanted a creative outlet. Although I was in my mid thirties I was rather shy and a little closed off. I was always a really creative kid and that freaked my parents out. I was never too proud of what was definately a talent. Each teacher i have had at Stevies has made me better at improv and more self accepting. Not to mention that being with a group of creative people that I admire and respect has made me proud to be who I am. I just want to thank all of you for all of everything.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Oouttakes

The Outtakes

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The red shirt theory

Well, I gotta say, I woke up the day after our 2/16 show and felt pretty good about it. I thought it blew our previous two shows away and I had more fun than ANY of our shows. Peter did a great job hosting and maybe that took some pressure off of us. Of course, I did miss Larry (and Shirl a little, don't tell her I said that), but I thought everyone played together well. Rick did very well at his first time guessing in party and I thought Mike made the most of a tough suggestion. I really enjoyed opening the show with blues and hope we can do that again. This one might be my favorite show so far gang. Kudos ... and Kudos again fellow Outtakes !! Jim

Never Fear Tacos

Well here it is....Another show down and I all the richer. I feel a constant progression. I will say that I still struggle with sticking with the original object but at the same time think that it is fairly common to do so in a 3 to 5 minute conversation. My goal in languages was to go as big and loud with the languages as I could and accomplished that. I wonder about my choice in party but again it made sence at the time. I do think that it will be the last time I suck anything on stage. I was very pleased with our show and felt we all played well. Then again I have always felt that we had a good group that plays well together. Viva la France


Sunday, February 17, 2008


The sicko(that doesn't sound right) needs some news. Hopefully you kicked ass. Tell me. Larry

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Hey all
Try to avoid that horrible bug hanging out there. It seems to have gotten Larry and Jim. Dont be the next victim, wash your hands, and dont make out too much.

I'm Thick!!!

Hey all, I picked up a cold from someone, and will be checking DNA samples this saturday to see who gave it to me(no, not that type of DNa sample, Rick!) Really though, I'm not sure if I'll be in shape for the show or not at this point. We'll see when Saturday rolls around.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

IN the Fringe Festival!!!!!!!!

Hey All, Just got word today that my ball was picked! (not what you think, Rick!)

I'm writing a play about a bunch of ragtag improvisors that come together against all odds in a town that won't let them perform and they take their improv to the streets, and with some bullet time Matrix moves and lots of smoke and mirrors, they finally reach a level somewhat above mediocrity and track Osama to a cave in the Sheraton and save the platypus from extinction!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I found an old e-mail I had with a link to a site where you can hear different dialects from around the world. Check it out!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My (out) take on the show.

Um, I think, ah, I'm uh, going to uh, try to keep, um, from filling in ah, between uh words, um, when I host.

I reviewed the show tape and a couple of things came to mind.

First, while the use of accents is great and can probably helped scenes, it really doesn't work when used on 185 and WW, which was a problem during the show. I think when the audience hears an accent they assume there is a reason for the performer doing it, i.e. relating to the lines delivered. And when it doesn't relate there is confusion.

Second, a thought came to mind about why some scenes work and some don't. I think it's a problem of adding information. But not just any information.

I think about scenes I've enjoyed in the past and it's the ones that take a leap and make me anticipate what's next. Example: I'm playing a guy and Vic is my southern belle wife(of course). He(she) pulls out a photo and says "Junior looks so handsome in his graduation robes" And I say, "Yes he does, what's for dinner?"

Now I've added information, sure-I'm hungry-not very interesting-who cares where this goes.

Let's try it again: Vic "Junior looks so handsome in his graduation robes" Me: "Yes he does. I've never really noticed this before, but Junior looks a whole lot more like our neighbor, Bill Johnson, than he does me!" Then Vic can blush and the audience can laugh thinking that my wife sleeps around. But this certainly Sets up a scene worth exploring.

So I'm going to work not just adding information, but adding interesting information.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Whoo Hoo! I found a Computer to use (and abuse)!

Okay, I had to trudge myself over to the library just to do this so I don't have much time to edit and censor and all that jazz, so here goes.
These last two shows, for me personally, were great! I know you guys go on and on about how great the first show was, and I think you all did a superb job...but it was almost a complete failure for me. I went home and cried! Ok, I'm lying, but I was really depressed. I can't even bring myself to watch the dvd.
Then Jason accused me of not caring (WTF! Grrrrrrrrrr!), and, I don't know, it clicked something in me, and forced me to have some serious conversations with myself.
I made a personal breakthrough. My goal each show is to go ballsout and have some damn fun. I don't care if it's perfect or funny or good. What I care about is am I making myself a part of this team or cheating everybody by holding back. Improv is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life only because it calls for me to be myself and trust other people. Trust, people, is not a luxury I can readily afford! However, since I am a spiritual person, that whole zen thing being essential for improv makes a hella lotta sense. I'm looking forward to exploring the possibilities of that vein.
I think I have a ways to go to be completely comfy on stage, but I feel hella better than I did the first time. As a result, I'm not about to rag on the show. I've seen stuff hella worse than what we've done, and I'm proud of what we accomplish. I'm glad I get to play with you all, and in the progress, gain some well needed therapy.
Peace & cheese.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Last nights show was a bit rough for me. That's being kind. I struggled in the first portion and had to lean on my partners for support (thank you all). I felt better during Arnold, Experts and Party. I really get disappointed in myself when I'm not performing as well as I could and I think that it shows. My overall opinion is that this show was a slight improvement over our previous show, but didn't capture the level of our first. I do believe that working on dialects helped us find a different voice (no pun intended) and better level of character development. Everyone seemed to play with it at least a little and it showed that classroom work can pay off if we let it. I would like to see Arnold on stage again next show (without the mic in the middle of the stage) and think we can make it work if we give it another chance. Any thoughts on this? I also think Blues might be a fun way to open the show (with or without music) and it may help us connect better (let's face it gang, freeze tag has missed 3 shows in a row). Solid job hosting Larry. Mr. Clean himself would've been impressed. As for everyone else, good solid effort and a step in the right direction. GO TEAM OUTTAKES !!!!

Another show down

There is only one way to describe my portion of the show last night, Agressive. After the first show I found myself tired and a bit crabby. I think the agressiveness helped me to take comand of the stage and it ihurtme by keeping me at least patially disconnect through out the show. The only real connection I felt was in the scene between myself and Rick. Although part of that is fact Rick is a great scene partner and very easy to trust. One lesson I got from the show is that we are all very capable of making anything we do go well. We just have to remember to go bigger when we think we are failing instead of shinking bak into ourselves. That is all I have for now.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Welcome Outtakes

Here it is folks,
The Blog.  Lets all try to contribute when we can with some positive criticism and some general postings that might let everyone learn something about each other.

For example.  I am Leo.  

Talk to yall soon
