Friday, June 26, 2009

The Special Outtakes Show

Yo. So this was discussed at the beginning of this round . . . the whole "Let's have a special Outtakes show, where we kick all of the existing audience members out to let all new audience members in for The Outtakes portion of the night." Then, nothing more was talked about it.

Until now.

Let's pick a show, dammit. We've only really got four shows left. July 18th, Aug 1, 15, and 29th. I My vote is for one of the last two, the 15 or 29. It would give us time to actually get confirmations from the invitees about yes or no or both and really hammer home the point.

You know?

Let's have a date picked in one week. Can we do that? One week . . . I'll Facebook this to LJ since she doesn't have access to this yet (by her own fault, of course.) But if you see this, pass the word to the other Outtakes to let them know to come and check it out.


1 comment:

Em said...

Yes, we should do this! I think an August date would be great.